Wednesday, May 06, 2009
I've been trying to get in to this account for ages, finally! I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Ok, so I have a new blog at and a new email Come check it out!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Mia's Wedding Cake

Right now I am working on a dark chocolate wedding cake. I can't wait to see how it turns out. It is for a coworker of mine who wanted crows on her cake. I will be busy baking for the next few days, but check back because I should have photos up saturday or sunday at the latest.
I've also been making whipped truffles with Dana Lumby. Photos of the chocolate making session will be up as soon as I can get them off her camera. =)
Monday, May 21, 2007
Birthday Cupcakes
This weekend I made some extra special cupcakes for my friends Joy-loi and Nikolai. They had a double birthday party on Saturday and I must say it was a fantastic time! The guests were friendly, the atmosphere was electric, we ate cupcakes, drank and danced like crazy. It's Monday evening and I still feel worn out.
Chocolate Blood Orange Cupcake:

Devils food cupcake with Strawberry Pomegranate Frosting:

Chocolate Blood Orange Cupcake:
Devils food cupcake with Strawberry Pomegranate Frosting:
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Chocolate Cactus Cookies with Lime Icing
step 2: thin your royal icing to a good consistency. Drop a spoonful back into the thinned icing, if it dissapears back into itself in about ten seconds it's good. Pipe or spread onto the cookies being careful not to smuck the outline. Let set to the touch, about 40 minutes or so.
Step 3 : pipe on any surface decoration in medium consistency icing.